Refer an individual

Please note that due to need and capacity, our shelters do have waitlists.

Refer a Veteran for Shelter

Please fill out the form in the button below.

Refer a Non-Veteran for Shelter

We know it can be hard to ask for help. We’re sorry to share that our civilian beds are full and our waitlists are at full capacity. Please check back in a few weeks.

Referrals for Permanent and Transitional Housing

Do Good Multnomah’s permanent housing is Veteran-specific. A majority of apartments require HUD-VASH vouchers, so residents must connect with a VA caseworker to be referred.

If you have not been screened for HUD-VASH, please email or call the Community Resource and Referral Center at 503-808-1256.

Learn more about our Veteran-specific permanent housing here. To be added to the waitlist for the Clackamas County Veterans Village, visit the CCCHA.

Our Contact Information

Do Good Multnomah
7809 NE Everett St
Portland OR 97213


EIN: 47-3934102